I've used a picture of 2 of the Amazons, and a picture of one of the doxies, so maybe I'd better put a picture of Marco in this blog. This is a nice picture. He's relaxed and happy ~ I think we're having dinner at Cap City Diner, and if I remember correctly, Aubrey snapped the pic. We had dinner at another "diner" this evening.....O'Charley's. Tonight is actually Trick or Treat, and it's really raining. Hard. For as long as I can remember, Trick or Treat night was the night before Halloween, and this year they changed it, whoever "they" are. Unfortunate. Last night was perfect. It would have been a great night for beggars. This evening is a bust. I imagine only the hardiest ghosts and goblins will be out this evening. So to cover my sorrow, we ate out this evening. Otherwise, I'd be sitting by the door, waiting for Trick or Treaters who would never come.
Tomorrow is November already. It's the month of my brother JEFF's birthday. I know I haven't mentioned that I have a brother, and I feel really bad about this. I want to rectify this situation, so I'll mention his name. Also, my stepdaughter Amy has a birthday in November. We have birthdays in every month except April. Mine is coming up next after Amy, but I don't even want to think about that one. Age is just a state of mind, but the state of my mind isn't all that great. I'm afraid I'm just getting old. But we won't go there tonight. It was enough of a bummer about Halloween. Anyhow, Trick or Treat everyone, and we'll see you in November.