Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It's a boy-to-be

I'm posting another pic from Ava's baptism because I don't have a pic of just Todd & Aubrey alone on this computer, and I want to get a post done this evening. So.....that's Todd & Aubrey between Papaw Marco and me. They are expecting a new Miller around mid-December, and they just found out it's a boy. Suffice to say, Todd and Papaw Marco and very happy. And actually, Todd and I both thought it would be another girl, and Papaw and Aubrey thought is would be a boy. Right now we have 5 girls and 5 boys, and this new boy will tip the scales to the "guys". All the other kids - Scott, Amy, and Brad, have 3 kids each, so Todd may try to keep up the all his older bros and sis, and have a 3rd. We'll see. Todd is almost 38, so he can't wait too long if he doesn't want to be the oldest dad in his kids graduating class. LOL

No other good news ~ it was 90 here today and muggy, so I didn't even venture out.

More later! Smooches . . . . Grandma Barb

Friday, June 12, 2009

A baptism in the family

Sunday was a fun day in the family, as granddaughter Ava Maria was baptized at St. Elizabeth's Church. Todd and Aubrey live in Raleigh, and they wanted to do the baptism here at home where everyone could attend. They were here the last time at Christmas, when Ava was just a year old, but the church doesn't do baptisms during the Christmas holidays, so they had to put it off till this visit. Ava is now 18 months old, but she did real good. Here's one of the pics: Brad, Todd, Aubrey with Ava, me and Marco. We loved the priest - I can't recall his name - but he conducted a real nice service. We had a great party afterward at Aubrey's sisters house in Clintonville. Amanda is Ava's godmother, and Brad is Ava's godfather. This was a new experience for Brad, and he was honored that Todd and Aubrey asked him. Also, Todd and Aubrey will make us grandparents for the 11th time around mid-December. We are all hoping for a boy. Like all visits, it ended too soon, and with the new baby due just before Christmas, we're not sure when we'll be seeing Todd and family again. :-(
So....that's it for today....more news and pics soon.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

A milestone tonight

Congratulations are in order for Miss Kayla, our 18 year old granddaughter. She graduates from high school this evening. Reynoldsburg holds it's ceremonies at the Schottenstein Center up on the O.S.U. campus, so we'll be making a road trip up there. I'm using my laptop, and I don't have the grandkids pictures on this one, and can't post a pic of Kayla. She is working at Kroger this summer, and heading to O.S.U. Newark Branch in the fall. Good job Kayla!! And best wishes to Scott and Jackie too!

We had lunch with Todd, Aubrey and Ava today. Ava's christening is Sunday, and they are in town all this week. Ava has grown so much, and is a sweetheart, and a little lady. Polite and well behaved. Aubrey is 10 weeks pregnant, but you'd never know it yet. Needless to say, T-Bone wants a boy, but is thinking this one will be a girl too. I agree. Marco and Aubrey and thinking it's a boy. We'll let you know when they find out at the end of the month.

That's really all for today. I need to clean up my birds room and do a quick load of laundry before we head out for the ceremony. Luckily, it's a beautiful day.

More later, smooches, Grandma Barb

Monday, June 01, 2009

Remember me??

Despite many good intentions, it's been over 6 months since I've taken the time to write anything. Shame on me. However, it's not totally my fault. Some of it is beyond my control. I have an old "Fortune Telling Birthday Book" from the 1930's and part of my "fortune" is: "although you plan many things, you tire quickly and drop them before completion." Yep, that's me. It's in the stars that I'm a slacker.

That aside, about 3 dozen things are "new" since my last post, but I'm not going to try to enumerate them. The nice picture above is from Marco's 60th birthday party, and the people in the pic are all relatives on his mother's side of the family. Midgie, Mildred, Teri, Joey, me, Marco and Betty and Maryann in the front row. All lovely people. Almost 100 people attended the party, and it was loads of fun.

Marco and I and all the kids, grandkids and pets are doing good. Granddaughter Kayla graduates from high school tomorrow, and will be going to Ohio State for college. School is out either today or tomorrow for all the school-age children. And Todd and Aubrey are expecting another baby at Christmas, bringing the total to 11. So far.

I am finally going to an orthopedic surgeon to get an opinion on my knee. I think it will be needing replaced, and soon. I don't think the doc will disagree.

My sister-in-law, Connie, has retired recently, and I wish her a happy and long retirement. She's a very nice gal.

Miss Jean is doing pretty good. She stated that she gets around better than I do, and some days, she's right. I'm limping around like granny grunt.

The birdies and doggies are doing fine. Poor Dusty, the 7 year old, had to have a lot of extractions when he got his teeth cleaned last time. I just don't remember any of our pets, when we were kids, having so many medical bills for stuff like teeth cleaning. Dusty's set us back over $500. That's awful.

This is a good beginning. Don't want to tire myself the first thing out of the gate. But check in often, I promise to be back with more exciting stuff from my life.