Monday, April 02, 2007


Here's a picture of no one. However, it's a pic of a really neat quilt that Aunt Bobbie made for me, and that is now owned by Brad. He carries it to things like tail-gating. Aunt Bobbie is very talented with sewing, music, and the kind of things that require dexterity and talent, which I am sadly lacking. Anyhow, just wanted to do a super-quick blog, to show Miss Jean how it works. She's standing here next to me, getting some "computer school". Maybe we'll set her up with a blog of her own.
I am a terrible blogger. I have done about 3 blogs since the first of the year, and it's mainly because I've gotten lazy. Tune in tomorrow, and maybe I'll have more to say. I think Miss Jean is getting tired of computer school, and we're going to get a bowl of ice cream.
More later ! !

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