I'm not even going to insert a picture this evening. I'm drained with this heat. This is the 9th of August, and all 9 days have been over 90 degrees. The heat index hovers around 110 degrees. Marco and I went to Matress Mart about 11:00 this morning to look at the "Craftmatic-type" beds that they had. Just to see how comfy they were, and if you could feel whatever it is in the mattress that moves up and down. I couldn't feel anything, by the way. They weren't bad. Pricy. I also decided to try a couple of the regular beds, just to see how they felt. The store had big plate glass windows all across the front of the store. The whole darn store was basically just glass. And it was shining in, and if the air conditioning was going, the sun was cancelling it out. At about the 4th bed, I started sweating like a pig, my head started pounding and my heart started racing. I was sick as a dog. I could barely stand up. In like 3 minutes time. I told Marco, "We're outta here". I just am so fed up with the heat that I can't stand it. Our thermostat is set at 74 degrees, and if I just get up to fix a glass of water, I have sweat streaming down into my eyes. I realize this blog has been nothing but kvetching about the heat, but that has been all that's going on the past few weeks. It's too hot to do anything, therefore, I have nothing to write about. I'm reading Anne Lamott today, "Grace, Eventually", and I love her books. I've wanted to mention a few thoughts regarding the last episodes of my favorite show "The Sopranos". More conspiracy theory stuff. Even a dig or two at my least favorite person, Dick Cheney. But not right now......
I'm actually roasting, just sitting here at my computer screen. It's throwing out heat. And I have a fan on the table next to me, set at high. So, I'm going to do what I do several times a day in this heat: put cold water in the bathtub and go sit in it. I'm getting pruney, but who the heck cares?
Folks, so sorry about this, but I'm a mess....more later,
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