Sunday, September 02, 2007


Here's another view of Austin. Papaw took it on the staircase, so he was a couple of steps above me, and I really like the picture. I know......regrowth.....I need a weave. Maybe soon. I just love new babies and he makes the cutest little sounds, and as you can see, he's always moving his little hands around. In my humble opinion, he looks just like Travis. But that's just me.
I haven't blogged for a couple of days as I haven't even been close to my computer. On the road making personal appearances. In fact, we just got back from a very fun party at Debbie & Ernies. We played horseshoes, and it was actually fun, bad knee and all. Scott and I won our game, and we played Marco and Jackie! Surprise. We showed 'em, didn't we sweetie??
Today would have been daddy's 86th birthday. His was always the hardest to remember, as his was right there when you flipped the calendar from August to September. We have a couple during the first week of a month....Jackie, Kayla, Trent, and Amie, but at least there would be time to get a card and send it to them, along with their birthday check. One time I forgot dad's and when I turned the calendar, I was in tears. I forget what I did....I could swear I did something like Western Union was at least 10 years ago, and my mind isn't quite what it used to be. Ha.
Anyhow, family and friends, I'm tired from a day in the sun, so I'm heading for my nightgown and bed. And speaking of BED, we finally got a new mattress and box springs that will be delivered Wednesday, thank goodness!! We got a Serta and they gave us one of those little sheep that are on their commercial. We looking forward to better quality sleep on the new one, needless to say.
I love: babies, needless to say!
Okay, Columbus, you keep cool and enjoy the holiday tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

My guess is that there was a party in heaven today with Daddy, Mimi, Gramp and other family members in attendance.

Anonymous said...

Yep, a big one when you think of all Mimi and Gramps sisters (mainly) and a few brothers.

Anonymous said...

I thought of Gramps Sunday to! I miss him so very much and think of him often. I am sure he had a much better day then us!

Love you Aunt Barb - Jennifer