Saturday, June 28, 2008

Rain, rain, and more rain

Just posted a pic of my Amazons, Sunny and Baby, for the heck of it. We're not sure when their exact birthdays are, so the parrot forum I belong to has created a "hatchday" list so everyone's birds get recognition. Sunny and Baby were recognized in June, even tho' I suspect they were probably hatched a little earlier in the spring. I just picked June for them. They don't care, and neither do I. I enjoy them no matter what. One of the ladies in the forum makes up the pretty little cards for them. I need to find time to experiment with things like that. I know so many people who make neat graphics, siggies and videos. I'm sadly behind when it comes to things like that. Maybe when the toilet business slows down.

Marco is busy all weekend here in town with the gay Pride festival. They ordered 60 toilets, set up along the parade route, and then down at Bicentennial Park where the partying is. He just ran downtown again after dinner, to check and see if his 2 employees are on the job. They expect 15,000 attendees. Columbus has stuff going on almost every weekend in the summer. The next festival is the Rib Fest, and Marco only has to take 6 of the big trailers, not individual potties. Easier. It's amazing with all the rain we've had....really super thunder and lightening storms....that nothing has been rained out.

I heard on the news - just caught the tail end of some story - anyhow, something about gas will hit $7.00 a gallon before very long. I just can't imagine. I put $60 worth of gas in my tank, and it didn't fill it up. I don't think Marco has ever filled up his Trailblazer. I know that thing would take well over $100 on a fillup. When I took Sunny to the vet for her checkup, I passed a new cycle lot over on Main Street. I didn't get a real good look at the cycles, but they weren't motor cycles, and they weren't exactly motor scooters either. I guess more like souped up motor scooters. They didn't look like they had a very big engine. But whatever they were, they had every color under the rainbow. New and exciting, and probably will do well. If I were a little younger, I'll check into them. I see more and more cyclers on the road all the time. Several in our neighborhood.

I haven't checked on the fish today. They probably need their filter cleaned out, and some food before it gets dark. Guess I'll take care of that since dad is downtown checking potties.

You stay cool Columbus.



Anonymous said...

Your blog is very creative, when people read this it widens our imaginations.

Autumn Rose said...

Thank you!! I feel bad because I think it's so boring. I never go anywhere or do anything interesting.....