Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Austin's Here

The past couple of days have been kinda bad....I'm not going to whine about them, as they're over, and we've had some really GOOD things happen to us in the past few days also, so as Tony Soprano says, "Let's focus on the good times."

First of all, and this is really GOOD news ~ here's Austin, being held by big sis Jamie, who has a birthday of her own tomorrow. She is going to be 5 years old. Nice birthday present. He weighed in at 8 lbs. 12 ounces. Here's another picture of him; he looks a little bigger without being all wrapped up.

Very nice family, and Amy is feeling really good, and gets to go home tomorrow.

Also found out that cousin Chris and his wife Lee Ann are expecting. We certainly wish them the best. Jeffy has 3 grandsons, so I imagine, even this early in the game, that they are "thinking pink". Wasn't it Jerry Lewis that was always thinking pink, and ended up having like 7 boys? Well, we have 5 boys and 4 girls, but when Ava joins the group in November, we'll be even again.

May I still *itch about the weather and say it's 97 outside. I had to take Baby bird, the Blue Front Amazon for an annual physical today, and it's HOT. Hmmmm, how long has it been unbearably hot now???? I think it's been like 8 months or something.

I'm adding a site to my sidebar, check it out. It's just a little site regarding wild bird rehabilitation, and a very nice lady that works very hard taking care of orphans. I admire people like her, and enjoy her site.

Alrighty then . . . I'm going to go feed my critters so Marco and I will be free to venture out again in this heat, and probably run up to the hospital. More later.....

I love my mommy.

You keep cool, Columbus!!


Anonymous said...

beautiful baby granny Barb

Anonymous said...

What a cute picture of Jamie and Austin.