Thursday, August 23, 2007

Tomatoes and Tailgates

Even though the heat index outside is 110 today (will it ever end??), we are thinking about the beginning of tailgating season. The first home game is Saturday, September 1st. Three of the five September games are at home: 9/1 (Youngstown), 9/8 (Univ. of Akron) and 9/22 (Northwestern). Papaw went out to the lake and cleaned all the awnings on the motor coach, and we need to vacuum (is that spelled right??) and dust, but other than that we'll be ready to go. GO BUCKS!!
As for tomatoes, zowie, this time of year we have a ton of them. They're a bit smaller this year - not just ours but everyone's that we've talked to. Anyhow, I've eaten so many that my mouth is sore. The acid in the tomatoes makes it burn, but I can't help myself. They are so good; too bad tomato season only lasts about a month or so here. And after a horrible summer of unrelenting heat, who knows how this will affect midwestern crops.
I'm getting close to doing my post on remembering cousin John, who died on 8/25/06. In the memory book that the New York Times published, there is a list of things that John loved. I think I'm going to snag that idea and try to end my post each day with an item that I love. I know I published 50 of the "100 things about me" early in my blog many months ago, but that took some real thinking, and I only got halfway there. I'll just stick one thing in a day, starting with the obvious:
I love Marco.


Anonymous said...

Just be glad your air-conditioning didn't decide to die today. I can't wait to try to sleep tonight. It was hamburgers on the grille for dinner and Ted is the one who was blessed with being outside.

Anonymous said...

Is it still out?? OMG, a fate worse than death! If so, have you considered a motel tonight? Seriously....

Anonymous said...

Ted hit it with a hammer and it worked until he could give it some tender care. But it was a temporary fix. If it just lasts until hot days and nights are over!!

Anonymous said...

Giving anything a hit or a kick usually works, for a while, at least. Ya got nuthin' to lose.