Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving, I'm busy...

Today is Thanksgiving. Marco and I have to start the bird and all our yummy sides, so I'm not going to linger on the computer.
A friend recently told me I need to publish my "100 Things About Me". It's sort of obligatory on a blog. Well, I started to jot down things, and by the time I got to 50, I had brain lag. I'll start with 50, and do the other 50 later. That gets me off the hook for today.

  1. My birthday is December 3rd
  2. I was born on my paternal grandmother's 50th birthday
  3. My zodiac sign is Sagittarius
  4. My husband's name is Marco
  5. I have 4 kids
  6. I have 9 grandkids
  7. My mother, Jean, lives next door to me
  8. My favorite color is brick red
  9. I am a registered Democrat
  10. I drive a Lexus
  11. I don't wear a watch
  12. My blood type is O+
  13. I adore campfires
  14. Ditto for snowstorms
  15. I've never lived alone
  16. I've never been arrested
  17. I love my animals
  18. I don't have a favorite movie, but if I did, it would probably be "Titanic"
  19. I'm always hot, even when other people are cold
  20. My favorite author is Stephen King
  21. I am pro-choice
  22. I have naturally long nails
  23. I don't have any desire to get an iPod
  24. I can't drink beer without feeling like I'm going to explode
  25. My favorite author is Mary Oliver
  26. I have a tattoo on my left shoulder
  27. I don't let people see me cry
  28. I love to read
  29. I share a birthday with Ozzy Osbourne and Andy Williams
  30. My favorite song is "These are the Days" by Van Morrison
  31. I have trouble being in messy environments
  32. My favorite drink is Coke
  33. I like the sheets to be cool when I get in bed
  34. My favorite time of the day is sunrise
  35. My favorite time of the year is fall
  36. My favorite holiday is Christmas
  37. I have a pretty good sense of time and direction
  38. I have low blood pressure
  39. I could watch the birds at my feeder for hours
  40. I'm not really what you'd call a great friend
  41. I'm something of a loner
  42. I would sell my soul for good hair
  43. I'm coulrophobic
  44. I prefer to leave the cooking to my husband
  45. I haven't had a moving violation since 1982
  46. I'm a privacy nut
  47. I believe in ghosts
  48. Maybe even vampires
  49. I think the earth already has too many people
  50. I admire the people who work with groups like PETA and Greenpeace

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family. I like those dinners where everyone brings something. I think I will suggest that at Christmas. Our Thanksgiving was Ted, Dean, Tyler and myself. Bob was at Amy's mother's house. Please tell Miss Jean that I will be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers. My oldest son, Bob, works with urologists and takes care of this type of patients. I'm looking forward to the next "50" things about you. And in case I forget, happy birthday on the 3rd.