Thursday, August 16, 2007

Remembering Elvis

Today is the 30th anniversary of the death of Elvis Presley. It's hard to believe it's been that long, as I remember exactly what I was doing when I heard about it. Brad was 6 and Scott was 8. I was....well, never mind that. Anyhow, we were across the street at MaryAlice's house. She was a good friend, and had 3 kids, just a little older than Scott and Brad. Her cat was having kittens in her closet, and everyone was in the bedroom helping with the delivery. Well, actually, they were mainly watching, fascinated. I think it was the first time I'd ever seen kittens born, myself. It was awesome. MaryAlice had the television on in the living room, but no one was paying any attention to that. But after a while, the tone of what is being said gets through to you. It's like the voice of "breaking news" on t.v. now. I forget who wandered in to see what was going on, but pretty soon the news got to all of us, and we were understandably upset. Who at that time thought that Elvis would die so young. I'm thinking he was only 42. Of course, with what we know now, it's a wonder he lived as long as he did. Now there are bunches of young stars who didn't even live that long, due to all the excesses of that lifestyle. It's a shame he became such a junkie. But today, I'm not here to judge.
So, here's to Elvis.....he was a big part of Americana, faults and all. I think Priscilla and Lisa Marie have done well in taking care of his business since he's been gone. He would have been proud of them, I'm sure.
Other than that, it's still hot as hell outside, and I'm ready for a Coke.
Try to be cool out there, Columbus.....

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