Thursday, December 28, 2006

How Was It?

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. I know we did. But no snow. Still. And none in the forecast. Lucky I don't ski anymore. But I still miss it. Guess I could move to Denver......
Anyhow, the holiday was terrific, and we had everyone over. We got lots of nice stuff, and I think all the grandkids enjoyed their gifts. I feel bad that we didn't get Bud and Dusty anything for Christmas, but they really don't play with anything. They just like to cuddle with mom and dad.
Busy day today, but I'm getting all my year end stuff finished, and should have time to relax soon. Worky-poo tomorrow, and then 2 days off. Actually 3, It's New Year's Eve, isn't it? Lordy.
So, catch ya soon peeps.

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